
17. Into the 90s

1. Tim Jackson - A Woman's gotta have it
2. Everett B. Walters - Just can't stop
3. Ernie Lee Banks - Are you ready to be loved
4. Softones - Listen to your heartbeat
5. Corrie Jackson - At midnight
6. Miles Jaye - Objective
7. Mark Winkler - Color Of love
8. Mel Waiters - Teddy Bear
9. Martha Wash - Things we do for love
10. Jamecia - Best of me
11. Donald Albert - The hardest part
12. shades - tell me (i'll be around)
13. John Whitehead - Bridge of friendship


16. A random Choice

How to make a podcast of 50 minutes? Let's take a random record from your shelf. In my case High Energy - So Right. Read then the album notes on the record. This group consist of Vernessa and Barbara Mitchell. Next number #2 is chosen from the album of Barbara. Who produced that track: Larry Blackmon from Cameo, Third Track so far so good. Who's a member of cameo that went solo in 1989. Track nr 4. Let's go back to Barbara Mitchell. Some interesting Background Vocalists are Lisa Fisher and Alyson Williams. By the way Tomi Jenkins was also a background Singer on this album. This allows me to step back to nr2 to go further, or not ;-)
Who produced the track 'Get Back To Love'. It was Luther Vandross #7, Lisa Fisher was also the background singer on this track. The mixers of Alyson Williams track are Soul II Soul #9 Marcus Miller was the producer of Lisa and Luthers tracks. He must not be forgotten.Did you hear the vocal replications of Rose Royces Wishing on a Star? Track #10. Terry Price wrote this song. Keep Terry for the next hour.

1. High Inergy - Journey to love
2. Barbara Mitchell - Can't Help The Way I Feel
3. Cameo - Throw It Down
4. Tomi Jenkins - My Secret
5. Lisa Fisher - Get Back To Love
6. Alyson Williams - I need your lovin'
7. Luther Vandross - See Me
8. Soul II Soul - A Dreams A Dream
9. Marcus Miller - Best Friends Girlfriend
10. Rose Royce - You're My Peace of Mind